Event name
Project Linus Blanket Day
Tue 03 / 04 / 2025
1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Grasonville Senior Center
4802 Main Street
Grasonville MD 21638
4802 Main Street
Grasonville MD 21638
Who can attend
Open to all
Limited capacity: Registration Closed
Linda Teuber-Kampes
We will be joining forces with the Grasonville Senior Center again this year to make blankets for Project Linus for Kim (our regional Project Linus rep). The majority of these blankets will go to the QAC Christmas Angels project which they donate blankets to each Christmas.
We will be doing this at the Grasonville Senior Center so we will probably have others from the senior center join in to help, as we did last year. You will need to be registered at the senior center, so if you aren't, just stop by and fill out the easy paperwork.
You don't need to know how to sew to make these blankets - we are just tying knots!